Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm back....

So, after a 4 month hiatus (I know no one was counting except a certain someone) I finally got my act together and gathered some pictures to put up here. I have been spoiled with the ease of taking pictures from my I-phone. It is so much easier to put them on Facebook instead of transferring them to the computer and uploading them to the blog. Then my biggest obstacle, writing about each one. For those that know me, I am not concise and it takes me forever to write. So anyway, I spent a good hour uploading some pictures that get me through early January. I will give people a chance to catch up, then add some more of the more recent months soon. Don't forget to come back, we have her 1st birthday party, ski trip, and walking just around the corner! For now, scroll down to the bottom and enjoy,

More Maui and 1st Birthday

Bye Maui, I'll be back soon!

No, this is not Ava!
We captured this amazing shot from the condo of a humpback whale breaching out of the water. I could not believe how many whales we saw while in Maui. On our last day they were swimming just a few yards from the shore, they were so beautiful!

Ava's not so sure about this sand after all, especially the taste.

No, we did not send her out to sea-wow, she's such a drama queen!
But this did make for a great photo opportunity.

Ava was not a fan of the birthday hat, or maybe it's the barrette that's bothering her?

"Cake, what cake?"
That is the caption from 1 of my favorite birthday cards. Although it doesn't really apply here since you can see the big piece of cake on her plate-but still, I love it! Almost as much as Ava loved her cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday Ava!
We can't believe you are 1, and by the look on your face you can't either?!

One of Ava's most favorite birthday gifts was from her cousin Lauren, she lived in this raft in the pool for a few days.

There were no bathtubs in Maui, only jacuzzi sinks-it really is the latest craze!


Sports Illustrated called and asked Ava to submit her best bathing suit shots for their swimsuit addition. This is what she sent them....

Ok, just kidding, but she did look pretty darn cute swimming around in Maui!

Merry Christmas

Auntie Fish knows how to cuddle

All I want for Christmas is an "Ava-tar"!

This was my favorite family photo of the bunch, but as you can tell Ava is not quite sure...

Happy Hanukkah!

There were a lot of "1st's" for Ava this year-she got to celebrate a special 1st Hanukkah with her family up in LA. If only mom had planned her outfit better...I blame dad on this one for sure!

Early December

We recently started taking Ava to this awesome park right up the street from us-Hilltop Park. She loves the bucket swings, and now she even goes down the slide.

She was mesmerized by Santa Claus. Good thing she went to visit him, I think she got everything she asked for, and more!

1st Thanksgiving

We are soooo thankful for Ava! Here is a fun shot of her with her Godmommy Patty at the Gershon parade!